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Bid Types Posted on the PennBid System

You’ll see a wide range of solicitations and bid types posted on PennBid.

Below are some of the major bid types and categories routinely found on PennBid. This depth of experience provides significant benefits for all posting agencies, engineering, and architectural firms including:

  • Leveraging PennBid’s no-cost Community Projects list to access a large pool of bid solicitations
  • Deep pool of available bidding documents for those looking to minimize “reinventing the wheel.”

Construction Related Projects

Roads? Check. Bridges? You bet. Buildings? Of course. Stormwater and more? Yes, the list goes on. From single-prime, single line-item bids to complex, multi-prime contracts with alternates, PennBid handles any project with ease. We have extensive experience working with A&E Firms throughout PA.

Water & Wastewater Related Projects

Municipal Authorities, utility providers and their engineers have managed thousands of projects for water and wastewater facilities and infrastructure. If it flows through a pipe, the bid has likely flowed through PennBid.

Professional Services / RFPs

Public agencies rely heavily on the expertise of a variety of consultants including engineers, architects, attorneys, auditors, realtors, pension consultants, and many more. PennBid allows owners to quickly and easily connect with deep pools of professionals who may align with their needs.

Maintenance and Commodities

Does your building need regular janitorial services? Looking for someone to maintain your athletic fields? Is your community considering seeking garbage/recycling services? Is your school looking for a multitude of different supplies? Maybe your maintenance crew is seeking new vehicles? PennBid is the perfect solution for your needs.

Number of Documents Downloaded at No Cost!
Amount of Time You Can Save with PennBid
Various Solicitations, Bids, and RFPs Posted
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