PennBid’s No-Cost DBE Notification & Reporting Services (Available in PA)

A number of funding sources (grants, loans, etc.) require notification of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) as part of the bidding process. In general, DBEs are comprised of: MBE, WBE, LGBTBE, Disabled Owned BE, Service-Disabled Veteran BE and Veteran BE. This notification and reporting process can be cumbersome, time consuming, and requires accuracy and extensive documentation.
The PennBid Program conducts electronic DBE notifications for many engineering firms and public agencies and provides related reporting that can be used as part of requirements imposed by funding agencies. Currently, this service is only available in Pennsylvania and is provided solely upon request at no cost to those who are utilizing PennBid.
The DBE notification service is a manual process completed by the PennBid staff. Because of this, we require the following before scheduling notifications:
- Minimum 24-hour notice prior to the project’s Open Date
- A copy of the project advertisement
- All requests must be sent via email to
The PennBid staff develops a list of suggested search codes based on the type of project. Searches are state-wide unless otherwise directed. Once codes are selected and a copy of the public notice is provided, our office begins the DBE process.
We conduct searches utilizing state databases, such as the Department of General Services, or the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program that produces dated, electronic documentation.
Most funding sources will require two or three notifications. PennBid meets most guidelines by sending three notifications regardless of funding type.
Within 24 to 48 hours of your project coming due, you will receive a detailed report outlining the above outreach efforts, that can be incorporated within the information provided to the funding agency. An example of a typical final report can be seen by clicking the button below.